Nicky Milligan... Healing
About Healing...
Healing has been around since time began... Those who were unwell would look for help and advice, be it from the Shaman, Wise Woman, Witch Doctor, or whoever had the necessary skills.
As knowledge grew it was handed down from generation to generation and sadly became an almost secret art. Interestingly throughout history it has never died out and is now making a resurgence.
There is a slowly growing acceptance of Healing in the medical world but I think it is essential that every Healer is properly trained, insured and accountable for their work.
I personally have a police check that is regularly updated via my insurer and I also have a mentor for myself as well as acting as mentor for Westcountry Healers and Healer Students.
About Therapies...
These therapies are all non-invasive, gentle and very effective. They encourage the patients own self-healing mechanism to create a state of "ease" as opposed to "dis-ease". They blend with conventional medicine and are completely safe.
Sometimes one session is enough, but most people like to return several times and then for occasional top ups.
Is a form of massage therapy working on the feet and hands. These reflex points correspond to areas of the body and help reduce pain and stress thus bringing some relief. I also do hot stone reflexology which is a very special extra !
Natural Healing...
This therapy helps to bring about health and wholeness by balancing the body's energy system. The Healer works apart from the physical body in what the Eastern system calls the subtle bodies.
Baby Massage...
This is an excellent way for parents and carers to give a baby a good start in life. I helps to ease birth trauma,releases tension in muscles and joints,and may relieve colic.
Which means "Life Force Energy " when translated. This therapy draws the energy down to the client working with a series of symbolic movements and was introduced by Dr Usui many years ago.
Hopi Candles...
Ancient rock paintings show this has been around for a long time! The gentle action of the candle brings a balance of pressure in the ears,helps sinus problems, headaches and clears the head after long haul flights. It may help alleviate tinnitus.
Indian Head Massage...
This therapy is part of Ayurvedic Bodywork and originated in India long ago. It is very effective in releasing stress and tension in the head neck and shoulders.
Crystal Healing...
Crystals are believed to have individual properties..think Quartz and Ruby in our everyday lives...and these properties can be used to help the Healing Process.
Magnotherapy has been used for thousands of years to help relieve pain and accelerate healing. The magnetic field is said to increase circulation thus working in an anti inflammatory way.The world of sport uses magnetic devices to help sports injuries.
Sound Healing...
The effects of sound have been documented from way back.... Think of the Walls of Jericho ! It is a very powerful medium and incredibly relaxing and able to promote Healing through reducing stress and tension in the body.
Remember that the definition of Healing is "to make whole " and that most therapies acknowledge the Eastern view of medicine, that involves awareness of emotions, diet, lifestyle and body space.. As well as the Western view which focuses on the body and how it functions.