Welcome To Fountain International Magazine.
Hello, to all the new and previous readers, of the Fountain International Magazine. The website and e – zine was born in September 2011, and has been going strong ever since, increasing the number of publications to four issues a year. The high quality content of the Magazine extends over 40 pages per issue. Dates uploaded to the website; March 21st, June 21st, Sept 21st and Dec 21st. Main topics for the Magazine include earth energies, sacred sites, vibrational medicine, (healing, colour, essences, sound etc), spiritual matters and much more. Within the Magazine we like to accommodate left and right brain thinking. Therefore we are happy to receive poems and pictures as well as articles, so long as it is your own work. (For me as Editor it is all about the energy and high quality of the piece. It’s gives me great pleasure putting the Magazine together, with the aim that it gives pleasure in the reading.) Take a look at this unique Magazine, don’t miss the opportunity. Go to the Magazine Download page. Happy Reading. Sample Front Cover For those of you, like myself, who are memory challenged, we run a free reminder to download the Magazine service. With the added bonus of a free monthly Newsletter, for those who would like to keep in touch on a monthly basis. The content of the Newsletter, does not appear in the Magazine, and is a little more free form. Generally sent out around the 28th of each month. To receive the Reminder/Newsletter, go to our Contact Us page, and sign up in the blue sunflower box. Look forward to hearing from you. The E-zine and Newsletter is free, although donations gratefully received for the running costs of the site and production. All submissions can either be made through or suzanne@eaglebear.fsworld.co.uk Please note, unauthorised use and/or duplication of any material on this website, (including the Fountain International Magazine,) without express or written permission from it’s author and owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to the author or producer, and www.fountaininternationalmagazine.com with appropriate and specific direction to original content. This website also acts as the host site for information about Fountain International, and heritage. So in basic terms what is Fountain International? Fountain International is a community healing project, based on the simple concept that communities like people, suffer from disease, and may be healed. By tuning-in one’s thoughts to an agreed focal point within your own community, for just a few moments each day, it is possible to radically improve the health of the community, and ultimately, we believe, the health of the world. (Why are we called Fountain? Because the first focal point used in testing the theory of community healing was a fountain. For more information, please go to the books page on the website to download a free booklet which is an introduction to Fountain International. Or go to our Facebook page to view DVD). Fountain International is open to EVERYONE, of whatever faith, colour, nationality or political persuasion. There is no membership or organisation in the usual sense, and all individuals or groups throughout the world work independently in the manner best suited to their own communities. However, they do this with the feeling that they are part of a network, and the thought that group activity produces an effect greater than the sum of its parts. Fountain International has a long history, of research into earth energies, and allied subjects. For example; Colin Bloy and friends research, via the dowsing of earth energies, and the healing experiment, which culminated in the practical Fountain International Concept. Also Paul Broadhurst and Hamish Miller’s, tracking the St Michael Line across England, which led to the classic book, “The Sun and the Serpent.” Chris Street’s investigation of Earthstars. And many more. Human and Earth Energies have always been a passion of Fountain International and the Magazine, there is a tradition of sharing information and experiences especially within this field. Be the contributors known or unknown, it’s the quality that counts. By sharing information, The aim of the magazine is to be informative, empowering and inspiring. Creativity is heightened, and growth is increased at a quicker rate, which is much needed in these changing times. To act as a link between like minded people. To share information and experiences. We would like our readers to involve themselves with the magazine, by way of submitting articles or experiences, etc within the field of interest of the magazine. Visit us on Facebook on the page for Fountain International. https://www.facebook.com/FountainInternational Like our page, post your own comments, pictures and articles etc. Look forward to hearing from you.