Friday Health Nugget from Advait
An Apple a day keeps the doctor away:
– The ancient Indian seers, living in the hilly regions of the Himalaya’s called Apple as ‘God’s Food’, while Ayurveda regards it as a fruit which keeps our body and mind healthy and provides us with vitality and vigor.
– Apple is mentioned at many instances in Ayurveda as a ‘Complete Food’ and as ‘Protector of Health’.
– Pectin present in Apple is very useful to the body.
– It acts as a ‘toxin remover’ when consumed regularly. The galacturonic acid component of the fruit achieves this function.
– The malic acid component in Apple is extremely essential for the health of our intestine, pancreas and brain.
– Eating it with honey increase its effectiveness exponentially.
– Whenever you eat an apple, chew it thoroughly as the mixture of apple pulp and our saliva is very effective in fortifying our gums and teeth.
– Its consumption also provides relief from stress and instant energy.
– Apple juice or mashed apple juice is very effective in curing anemia.
– Anyone suffering from constipation can find relief by consuming a few apples.
– Eating a few slices of apple after your meals aids in digestion.
– 1 cup of mashed apple, 1 tbspn honey and 1 tspn sesame seeds mixed together and consumed, make an amazing hunger tonic.
– Apple is rich in potassium and phosphorus, which makes it a godsend for people suffering from heart disease and everyone else should consume it regularly to strengthen their hearts.
– It is also effective in providing relief from migraine.
– In curing constipation eat it as is, when suffering from dysentery or diarrhea cook it for a few minutes and consume it.
– People suffering from locked joints, dry cough, kidney stones, conjunctivitis and even people suffering from mild depression can find relief by simply including apple in their diets.
– Now you know why, an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Stay Healthy,
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