Update time…new teacher comes to the UK.
Here is some very new news for you….now read on !
Gen Kelsang Togden
We would like to welcome our new Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Togden, who just arrived in England last week from New Zealand, via Portugal.
Gen Togden has been a Buddhist monk and a close disciple of our Founder, the great meditation master and author, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, for nearly 25 years.
Originally from Brazil, but having spent nearly half of his life between Canada and the United States, Gen Togden is an international teacher of Modern Buddhism who has taught meditation and given Dharma teachings in five continents of the world. He has also helped establish and improve Dharma Centres in Canada, the USA, South America and Portugal.
He is admired for his good example and known for his joy, clarity, warmth and inspirational teachings that easily touch our hearts.
We encourage you to join us at one of the upcoming activities with Gen Togden and to introduce yourself. He is very approachable and looks forward to getting to know us better and to discovering the wonders of Yorkshire.
He teaches weekly classes open to everyone at Kilnwick Percy Hall (Tuesdays 7:30pm) and York (Thursdays 7pm). Gen Togden also teaches our more in-depth study programmes: two Foundation Programme courses (Wednesdays 7pm and Sundays 3pm) and the Teacher Training Programme (Mondays and Tuesdays). He will also be teaching special courses and leading meditation retreats. We are very fortunate to have him with us!
Learn to Meditate Retreat
Ideal for beginners! Learn basic meditation techniques and deepen your experience of inner peace in the beautiful and relaxing environment of Madhyamaka Kadampa Meditation Centre in Pocklington (near York). Everyone is welcome!
For more information: madhyamaka.org/beginners-weekend-retreats (some spaces still available)
Confidence to change
THE CONFIDENCE TO CHANGE Half-day Course Saturday 30 Sept
Everyone is welcome to join this special course. We are often aware that we need to make certain changes in our lives but we may be lacking the confidence we need. This half-day course will help you become more confident. Every teaching of Buddha is practical advice on how to improve ourselves and become the person we want to be. The guided meditations and teachings by Karin Chielman, a very experienced Kadampa Teacher, will empower us to develop great confidence in our potential and in our ability to create happiness and enjoy a more meaningful life.
For more information: www.madhyamaka.org/day-courses
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Meditation is a special method we can rely on to become more peaceful, to deal more skillfully with our problems, to improve our relationships, to enjoy more happiness and to make spiritual progress.
We offer weekly classes in eight different locations to make meditation and modern Buddhism more accessible to everyone. We encourage you to find a class near you and begin to enjoy the many benefits of having a regular meditation practice. Everyone is welcome, including beginners and experienced meditators, Buddhists and non-Buddhists. We can all benefit from these weekly classes.
Click the links below to see details for each particular town:
Beverley Sundays 5pm
Driffield Wednesdays 7pm
Goole Thursdays 7pm
Pickering Wednesdays 7pm
Pocklington (Madhyamaka Centre) Tuesdays 7pm, Thursdays 11am
Scarborough Wednesdays 7pm
Thirsk Wednesdays 7pm
York Thursdays 7pm
Everyone is welcome!
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Madhyamaka Kadampa Meditation Centre
Kilnwick Percy Hall
Pocklington York, YO42 1UF – UK
Telephone: 01759 304832