Sounding Bowls.
Tobias….Bringing the Joy
Pure sounds = Powerful effects
Could a Sounding Bowl aid Torture Recovery?
Harmin Sijercic, the music therapist at Freedom from Torture wrote:
People like Karim have gone through experiences that are unspeakable. Through music they are able to process it without talking about it.
Music therapy makes a lot of the people we work with, like Karim, feel protected from the outside world. It’s like they are in a safe sanctuary.
It would be absolutely wonderful to add the Sounding Bowl to our existing collection of musical instruments as I know that our clients will benefit immensely.
image for illustration only, not from FfT.
Sounding Bowls reach those places
other musical instruments cannot.
Gift, as compassion changes the world.
Judith and Anthony Kirke know the power of Sounding Bowls from personal experience.
As supporters of the London Charity, Freedom from Torture they would like to focus fundraising to get them a little Melody Bowl. They sent me a really moving appeal, asking if people like you might like to join them in getting a Sounding Bowl for Freedom from Torture. I have been aware of the work of this charity for decades and am really happy to help.
Your generosity could transform a whole family.
I will match whatever you raise together and cover packing and delivery.
Lets get a Sounding Bowl for Karim and those for whom the unspeakable needs compassionate care.
Click to the Crowdfunding Page Here. — You could be resurrecting a life.
Summit of Sound Therapies
Thousands, from all over the world joined the
World Summit of Sound Therapies
22 top speakers, renowned sound therapists and researchers each gave a fascinating talk combining detailed quantitative research with in depth experience and cutting edge development. Tobias is proud to be part and was given the role of rounding up the whole conference.
“Out of all the seminar talks, yours brought out a wave of emotions straight away and I have no idea why, but brought me to tears. What a thing to admit to a perfect stranger! It was as if I have heard these sounds before.”
There were so many positive comments… literally pouring in every day!
If you missed any part of this you still have a chance to view the whole conference over again. Now permanently available here you can review every one of the presentations for a mere £10
Sing along, stay in circle…
Over the years of developing Sounding Bowls, training other makers and taking the word out into the world over 2000 people have asked to join this mailing list. As time moves on life changes and less than half now open the letter each time.
As you are well aware the GDPR law wants to make sure that I am not hassling anyone with my letters.
At the base of every newsletter there’s an opt-out called unsubscribe.
It may still happen that you get knocked off my list by the fallout from GDPR so I will offer another option, AND a gift of music along with it:
If you want to make SURE you get the next newsletter, or if someone has forarded this to you and you want the next Click here, add your details and approval to join the new list of double-subscribed Sounding Bowl lovers and I promise to keep sending you the good news, the beauty and the joy.
Those who fill in that form get to download some gorgeous Sounding Bowl music not available elsewhere.
New Work.
Wilfred will complete his apprenticeship next month. Last week a new applicant cycled over from Ireland and has convinced us of his prime suitability. Ciarán is not able to start till late June but we look forward to welcoming him here.
Meanwhile here are some pieces that Wilfred and I have been making this month
Heart Bowls in Yew have a profound depth of subtlety. Even with just 7 strings there are aspects of this sound that are both meditative and expressive.
Just up on site this one is discounted for one week only in line with our first-week-offer. Save £270
Cherry has such a cheerful sound. Truly like the blossom on its tree this bowl dances within its sound. Austrian cherry from near Ramon Floride’s workshop. More pics here
Ash with ripple in it has a watery flow to the grain, reflecting light like brook-ripples over pebbles. Ash sounds have an inner strength, a sense of direction and purpose. Available here: more
Seven string Melody Bowls are ideal for working with childhood and infancy. Dr. Mary Di Camillo pioneers music therapy before, during and after birth, connecting womb-memory with parental love to the benefit of mother and infant even on into childhood. Mary started working with this Cherry-wood bowl this month and we are looking forward to hearing more about her work and its effects soon.
Another recent commission is this 9-string Heart Bowl in Yew. Full of interest and complication this piece was an important learning for Wilfred in handling tricky timber and holding a purpose through adversity. The message of Yew itself, some might say. The result is sublime.
Destined for a Methodist Home for the aged in the Midlands this ten string Melody Bowl in Sycamore has a warmth of colour and tone that those who need music to touch memories will surely enjoy. Methodist homes regularly buy 10 string Melody Bowls
The magnificent, best-ever Bridging Bowl we featured last time sold quicker than expected. It went to a renowned glass-artist with healing intent. We have been offered a piece of Yew in this same size so watch this space!
Occasionally a bowl returns to us that has been really well cared for but now needs to find a new owner. Life is full of changes and I was recently asked to sell this one for a client in Oxford:
The scintillating beauty of this little Yew Bridging Bowl is matched by a dynamic tone. Built by Ramon during his apprenticeship is a total delight to play. It has been immensely well cared for by the previous guardian and has a new set of strings on its return. More:
Walnut is an altogether softer toner than Yew. Not quieter but rather richer, warmer, perhaps like comparing a fireside chat to a stroll along a viewpoint.
Also just back from the tender care of its guardian this gorgeous, smallest size Bridging Bowl is looking for a new home.
Contact Tobias for more details
Join the Joy
Do a workshop with Tobias
The summer gathering.
Tobias will be offering Sound-Baths, workshops and plenty of time to try-out and see if anything is calling you.
This acoustic-music, drug-free festival is a breath of fresh air, fireside and good company.
PaXamAMa Calling are bringing their Brazilian Shamanic re-connection work.
Maybe see you there.
Last years Festival on Youtube
We’re booked for two full day workshops in Scotland, just outside Edinburgh at the neighbouring Biggar Little Festival
Full detail via the Calendar of Events page
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