Forthcoming workshops…but not as I laid them out !
April 7 th 10/4 pm ish…The Chinese five Elements with Justine Johnson.
Cost £30
April 14 11 am meeting Lorraine and Terry Simonds…details in original letter
£5….celebrating Beltane in the afternoon.
May 26 Psychoexpansion Day with Nicky Milligan looking at Medicine and
Health in the Medieval period.10/4 pm ish….£30.
June 16 9.30 for 10 am start ,Finding out about Medieval oils and ointments
With Jane Lawson….we will be making “things “…find out on the day !
‘June 29/30 10 am each day….Medieval Astrology and it’s links with
Medicine. £30 each day.
Aug 4 11 am visiting prehistory via Psychoexpansion….bring along any
Interesting fossils etc£5
After lunch celebrating Llamas time
Sept 1 Glastonbury Picnic if we gather drivers and passengers .
Sept 15 Georgina and Caroline Lir…an established Artist and working on
A very interesting development course…and this session will be
Telling us all about it and testing the water! More details in due course.
Sept 22 Colin and Diana Kingshott from Florachology will be giving a
Workshop on Phytosonus plant essences for Healing,how sound
Creates form,the Bioenergy field of plants and humans….and even
More !Cost £35
Oct 27 11 Meet some Mudras….£5
After lunch Samhain celebrations.
Nov 16/17 the next instalment of Georgina’s series about Goddesses…
These days will be about Medusa and Aphrodite….their archetypes
And how they might connect with emotional aspects of life.£30 each
Dec 22 2 pm…Solstice Gathering…hopefully including a chocolate over
Load for those who are brave enough.
All days have a bring and share lunch….but for the 4 celebration days
I suggest more of a bring and share picnic lunch.
I know that some days are bunched rather close to each other but we are
So lucky to have these speakers and teachers that I naturally fit in with them.The Medieval theme is very important this year … it will be worth coming to all of these but if you are very busy ,come to as many as you can.