This weekend we looked at Medieval Medicine….it is a huge period of time and things developed in fascinating ways….as Christianity spread its wings and absorbed folk and pagan ways of healing.Then as time went by Islamic and western cultures met and learned from each other….battlegrounds became places where surgery developed and knowledge about anatomy grew and surgical and medical appretiships morphed into more formal training .
Lovely lunch….as usual…and we focused on chivalric times,feudal village times,monastic times,and times when East and West might have met to exchange ideas.
I acquired a colouring book of medieval prints and everyone chose 2 to take home….there was no time left on the actual day ! I wasn’t going to be left out and am colouring my pictures now in peace and quiet !
PART 2 is on JUNE 16 with Jane Lawson….making oils and salves if the period.
PART 3 is on JUNE 30 with Georgina Sirrett- Armstrong – Smith
looking at Medieval Medical Astrology….
please contact me if you are interested in either of these events.