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August 9, 2019 / /
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Dear NickyHave you taken part in the Big Butterfly Count yet? You’ve got until the end of this weekend to find 15 minutes in the sunshine and count the species you see. Please help us gather the information we need to keep saving butterflies. Species to look out for include the Painted Lady and Common Blue butterfly. We’re closely tracking the Common Blue to see how it fares, after an unexpected rise in population last year. Painted Lady butterflies are still being reported flying in large clouds off the eastern coast of Britain. This migratory species could be at any stage of its life cycle this month. It’s easy for you to report your sightings to us with the free Big Butterfly Count app. A Boost For The BluesDespite its name the Common Blue butterfly is not as common as it once was. Habitat loss has caused numbers to fluctuate over the last 40 years and many areas of the UK have seen declines. But things are looking up. Last year’s record-breaking hot weather gave the Common Blue a much needed break. The butterfly’s numbers soared across the UK in 2018 – increasing by 104% on the previous summer. Hopes are high for a repeat performance this year, We need you to keep your eyes peeled and let us know if you spot one. Submit your sightings to the Big Butterfly Count…Dig it: Be A Wildlife WardenGardeners put down their watering cans and breathed a sigh of relief for their parched plants,as the warmest day on record gave way to heavy rainfall across much of the UK. It is important to keep deadheading your flowers and making sure soil doesn’t dry out over summer, so that butterflies and moths can still find a food source. Did you know, many butterfly-friendly plants are also drought tolerant, which can make caring for them easier? In this month’s gardening blog the experts at CJ Wildlife offer some words of advice on keeping your garden in tip-top condition for wildlife. Simple steps to make your garden more butterfly-friendly…Look Out For Painted LadiesCaterpillarChrysalisButterflyButterflies Through Your LetterboxKeep your little explorers busy over the summer holiday with nature-inspired activities that are delivered straight to your door. Willow & Wild Box’s monthly activity box for 3 to 8-year-olds is packed full of gardening, craft and cooking materials and activities, to inspire making, creating and outdoor play. For every subscription in August, Butterfly Conservation will receive £1 when you use the code BUTTERFLY at the checkout. Subscribe from £7.50 a month…There’s An App For ThatDid you know you can get identification help and submit your Big Butterfly Count sightings wherever you are with our free mobile app? Join InGet the latest news and info on our Facebook page.HelpFind out how you can give butterflies and moths a future.IdentifyHandy tools to identify a butterfly or day-flying moth.Images: Common Blue Female (Tim Melling), Dead-heading Daisies (Freia Turland), Painted Lady caterpillar (Gilles St Martin), Painted Lady chrysalis (Peter Eeles), Painted Lady butterfly (Keith Warmington), Mountain Valley (Adam Gor), Scarce Swallowtail (Pete Withers).Please do not respond to this email. If you need to contact us please emailinfo@butterfly-conservation.orgButterfly Conservation: Company limited by guarantee, registered in England (2206468)Registered Office: Manor Yard, East Lulworth, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 5QP, Tel: 01929 400 209 Charity registered in England & Wales (254937) and in Scotland (SCO39268)Visit www.butterfly-conservation.org Change the types of emails you receive from Butterfly ConservationOrUnsubscribe |