update….a Jane Lawson training day.

Just look at their faces! Happy ladies or what?
Nicky, Kerry, Lulu and Andrea completed their CPD training in Treating Sciatica and 12 Cranial Nerves with Reflexology today.
It was a fab day hosted for us by Nicky at her home just outside Gloucester. Thank you Nicky! Nicky Milligan Healing
Kerry is a Podiatrist and her Facebook business page is Propulsion Podiatry. She’s based in Newnham.
Andrea traveled all the way down from Runcorn! She’s had a very long day! You can find her Facebook business page here InHarmony Reflexology by Andrea Porritt
Lulu is well known around the Gloucester area for her Yoga classes & retreats and multi-disciplined holistic therapies. Check out her business page here: #Silouette
Sorry girls, I couldn’t decide which was the happiest photo! Well done all round!