Nicky Milligan... Healer

Update.. The Marsh Carpet needs your help View in browser Butterfly Conservation Dear Nicky Hidden amongst the marshes of Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Suffolk is a rare and beautiful moth that few are lucky enough to ever see. But its future hangs in the balance. The Marsh Carpet moth has already disappeared from two nature reserves in Cambridgeshire and is clinging to survival in Norfolk and Suffolk. It may have already been lost from Yorkshire and Lincolnshire. Make a donation today and you can help keep the Marsh Carpet safe. Find out more The caterpillars feed on Common Meadow-rue, but this beautiful wildflower is often mown, overgrown by reeds or eaten by grazing animals meaning the caterpillars do not survive. Protecting this rare moth is not a simple task. The adult moth is notoriously shy and hard to spot. Even finding the caterpillars requires specialist training. We urgently need to run a training day this November, bringing together everyone who can help protect this rare moth. Please donate today so this event can take place. The day will provide them with vital information about the Marsh Carpet, expert training and practical advice for creating and maintaining the best habitat based upon sites where management is already working. This event will mean that in just one day we can train more volunteers and landowners than our conservation officers could visit in over a year. Please donate today to ensure this event can take place, ready for work to start next spring. Donate to help the Marsh Carpet If we cannot train more people and share expertise then this rare moth could be lost completely. We hope you don’t mind us sending you a fundraising email. We don’t expect all our members and supporters to donate to every appeal, but we hope by sharing this information with you we can keep you updated on our work whether you choose to donate or not. Image credits from top: Marsh Carpet, Stuart Read. Common Meadow-rue, Sharon Hearle. Please do not reply to this email, if you have any queries email Our promise to you We will never swap, sell or rent your details to anyone We will always follow the strict code of conduct set out by the Fundraising Regulator You can change how you hear from us or unsubscribe from our mailing lists at any time, just let us know. Butterfly Conservation: Company limited by guarantee, registered in England (2206468) Registered Office: Manor Yard, East Lulworth, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 5QP, Tel: 01929 400 209 Charity registered in England & Wales (254937) and in Scotland (SCO39268) Change the types of emails you receive from Butterfly Conservation or Unsubscribe