Asteroids ….here we come !

last weekend concluded Georgina ArmstrongSirrettSmith,s current Astrology course…..looking at Asteroids.I had no idea that some of them are called after Greek gods and heroes(and of course their Roman counterparts) as well as some being numbered….and one is called Doris believe it or not.(and yes I do know that Doris is not….as yet anyway….a Goddess!)Georgina is…

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Prayer to ATEN the SUNGOD( ancient Egypt)

The sweet breath Which comes forth from Thy mouth I shall behold Thy beauty every day It is my desire that I may hear Thy sweet voice Like the North wind, That my limbs may be quickened with life Through love of thee Give me thy hands Holding thy spirit, That I may receive it…

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This is my IMBOLC picture…..I just like it !This is also a special day because Claire Harrison has just qualified as a full status Healer with the Westcountry Natural Healing Fellowship….it will be great having her in the Team!

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