Palmistry workshop…

This was held recently with Georgina from Sunflower healing. We learnt about shapes,sizes,and all manner of things about hands….and ended the weekend making prints of our own hands and then practising reading each other’s palms..or practising chiromancy,the other name for it !

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I suppose it was bound to happen – there is now a scam call whereby the caller claims to be from the NHS vaccination team and asks for a range of personal details. Please note that the NHS will NEVER ask for your bank account, card details, passport or driving licence, and will never arrive…

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LAKOTA CODE OF ETHICS1. Rise with the sun to pray. Pray alone. Pray often. The Great Spirit will listen, if you only speak.2. Be tolerant of those who are lost on their path. Ignorance, conceit, anger, jealousy – and greed stem from a lost soul. Pray that they will find guidance.3. Search for yourself, by…

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Well…at last we managed a small Llamas Gathering…only a few days late. We were Covid Aware…Just in case and to make sure to protect one particular vulnerable person….and it was nice to meet up at last! The food as usual was an important part of the proceedings and this time everyone brought their own which…

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I just like this picture and am posting this to apologise for not posting anything for quite a while ! The powers that be keep moving the goal posts and Facebook in its infinite wisdom keeps instructing me to post my website details and then won’t print them…and I began to wonder if it was…

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