At last the crown chakra…Advait
The Sanskrit name for the Crown Chakra is ‘Sahastraar
The word sahastra means ‘Thousands of…’.
And the Vedic scriptures represent the crown Chakra
using a ‘Thousand-Petal Lotus’.
The Lotus flower is very highly regarded in Indian
mythology and tradition.
It is a symbol of royal achievement despite humble
A small seed of Lotus is planted in the mud, at the
bottom of a murky pond.
And, just like the Lotus seed, we too are stuck in
the mud, only the mud is represented by our fears,
limiting emotions, restrictive beliefs, lack of
confidence and even physical illness.
Lying still in this mud, we receive a ray of sunlight.
we receive a hint of Chakra wisdom.
That small bit of wisdom, cracks open the tough shell
of this little lotus seed.
Then the Lotus root takes hold with the wisdom of Muladhar.
And so our journey begins.
From there the lotus shoot starts to move upwards,
through the murky waters.
Step-by-step, receiving the wisdom of every Chakra,
nurturing itself,discovering its own potential and
gathering momentum to break through the surface of water.
So that it could bathe in the sun, the one true source
of the ultimate truth of Cosmic wisdom.
Once on top of the water, the Lotus blooms and none
of its petals touch the muddy water.
It attains the truth,
the bliss it was searching for.
When you strengthen and awaken your Crown Chakra;
you perpetually feel connected to a higher power, be it
Universal Consciousness or simply your higher self.
As you go through your daily life,
you always feel that you are being watched over and
cared for.
you feel immense gratitude for the universal love and
appreciation you feel towards yourself and others.
You no more strive for spiritual experiences, you merely
close your eyes and find spiritual bliss.
Locating the Third-Eye Chakra-
– Stand up straight.
– Place the Little finger of your dominant hand on your Navel.
– Stretch your hand and go one full hand measure upwards.
– Locate the point where the tip of your Thumb finger is touching. (This is where the Heart Chakra is located)
– Place your Little finger, at the point where your Thumb just touched, and again stretch your hand and go one full measure upwards.
– The point where your Thumb is now touching is the location of your Throat Chakra.
– Again, place your Little finger, at the point where your Thumb just touched, and again stretch your hand and go one full measure upwards.
– The point where your Thumb is now touching is the location of your Third-Eye Chakra.
– Again, place your Little finger, at the point where your Thumb just touched, and again stretch your hand and go one full measure upwards.
– The point where your Thumb is now touching on your head is the location of your Crown Chakra. (Sahastraar Chakra)
Head Swing
Sit in Sukhasana.
Perform Dnyanmudra on your hands (Dnyanmudra is formed when you touch the tip of your index finger to the tip of your thumb) and place them on your knees with palms facing upwards. (Refer Image)
Close your eyes but behind closed eyelids, keep looking at the inside of the top of your Skull.
Now inhale in three installments i.e. instead of taking one deep breath, take in 3 short breaths.
Hold the breath in and turn your head towards right as much as you comfortably can.
Remain in this position for a few seconds.
Return your head to the initial position while simultaneously exhaling.
Again inhale in three short installments.
Hold the breath in and turn your head towards left as much as you comfortably can.
Remain in this position for a few seconds.
Return your head to the initial position while simultaneously exhaling.
Keep practicing these alternate movements for 4-5 minutes.
This is a very effective technique. Many of you will feel like the top of your skull has become permeable and you will feel the presence of cosmic life energy entering your body through it.
Stay Healthy,
P.S.- In the past 7 emails I’ve shown you some basic techniques for Chakra stimulation.
Tomorrow (Sunday) I will tell you about Chakra Awakening using different Advanced Vedic techniques.
Till then…
“I write this not for the many, but for you; each of us is enough of an audience for the other.” – Epicurus
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