Which are causing the  So called Plastic Soup , and upsetting the delicate balance of life in our oceans.   Talk about mankind laying down trouble for itself! We forget that we are PART of Nature  not in charge of it……damage the balance and we will all be affected ! There is a comprehensive list…

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Tarot practice day….

Its surprising how food seems to feature in our workshop days ! This weekend saw a practice day as part of Georgina’s Tarot course…..a lot of work was done ,around the lunch break of course !For anyone interested in learning Tarot contact Georgina at Sunflower Healing…at

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One of my patients said something interesting..which with her permission I will share.She said …rather thoughtfully ….” Why do so many people treat God ( or the Source…or whatever word you use ) like spiritual play dough ? Instead of praying for everyone and everything they pick out people,or circumstances….surely that Energy is for everyone…

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