Learning about the base chakra.

[If you haven’t already, read the email I sent you on Friday and then come back to read this email] The wall clock had struck 9am when my phone rang. It was the last week of July and we had some rain the previous night which made the atmosphere very pleasant. I picked up the…

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Food for thought…..literally…

** Read the complete email till the end, there’s a nice surprise for you. The Omnipresent fruit of Indian Culture: Banana – Every ritual in India, may it be holy, religious or social, needs bananas. May it be birth, marriage, inauguration or even death, banana is required. If not the fruit then either its leaf…

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Friday Health Nugget from Advait

An Apple a day keeps the doctor away: – The ancient Indian seers, living in the hilly regions of the Himalaya’s called Apple as ‘God’s Food’, while Ayurveda regards it as a fruit which keeps our body and mind healthy and provides us with vitality and vigor. – Apple is mentioned at many instances in…

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Christopher Bergland Christopher Bergland The Athlete’s Way How Does the Vagus Nerve Convey Gut Instincts to the Brain? Neuroscientists have identified how the vagus nerve communicates with the brain. Posted May 23, 2014 SHARE TWEET EMAIL LESS SHARE SHARE STUMBLE SHARE Vagus Nerve in Yellow Source: What situations make you feel nervous, fearful, or anxious…

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Meet your meridians with Justine Johnson

This exciting workshop near to Gloucester is on June 11th….10-4.30 ish.Justine is a fully qualified practitioner with the Donna Eden school of Energy Medecine.This workshop will be looking at meridian pathways and how to help yourself by working with them…..and I know that it works ! There will be a hands on part of the…

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