Worth looking at !

Discover the Secrets of Effortless Weight Loss, Escape the Diet trap and Transform your Life Forever!! My book; “Mudras for Weight Loss: 21 Simple Hand Gestures for Effortless Weight Loss” is available for FREE today. Get it here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00P3ZPSEK Mudras for Weight Loss is all about shedding those excess pounds effortlessly, without even lifting a…

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Find out about the Runes….they are amazing !

There are 3 amazing Rune workshops coming to Gloucestershire….there are only a couple of spaces left…..so don’t miss this opportunity ! DAY 1 This will be held in Glastonbury on July 9 with John Downing.Gains who is a Rune Elder.He will guide each of us in making our own set of runes….the programme is as…

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Chakra follow up with Advait

First of all, let me thank you for all your emails, feedback and the excitement you’ve shown over the last 2 weeks. I am excited that YOU’RE excited to learn and apply the different Chakra Awakening techniques I’ve covered, and I consider myself very fortunate that I can share more techniques with you all. Now,…

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At last the crown chakra…Advait

The Sanskrit name for the Crown Chakra is ‘Sahastraar Chakra’. The word sahastra means ‘Thousands of…’. And the Vedic scriptures represent the crown Chakra using a ‘Thousand-Petal Lotus’. The Lotus flower is very highly regarded in Indian mythology and tradition. It is a symbol of royal achievement despite humble beginnings. A small seed of Lotus…

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The third eye chakra from Advait.

Every town in India has a govt. run municipal library. Such libraries are like a treasure chest, if you want to learn about the ancient Vedic self-healing, Meditation and spirituality. There are sections where such books, many of them published at the turn of the last century, lie, undisturbed for decades. But, many of the…

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More from Advait.

The Throat Chakra, also called as ‘Vishudhhi Chakra’, is at the origin of our ability to Communicate. Our voice box, which enables us to speak. Our ears which enable us to listen. Our ability to communicate non-verbally as well and, our potential to express our feelings, are all under the direct influence of our Throat…

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Don’t miss this opportunity.

CHAMTRUL RINPOCHE Master and Scholar of Tibetan Buddhism TO TEACH IN THE UNITED KINGDOM 7th JUNE to 2nd JULY 2017 Chamtrul Rinpoche is an eminent scholar and the recognized reincarnation of a great master from the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, the oldest school in Tibet. With his renowned knowledge of the Buddhist teachings of…

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Meet your Heart Chakra….Advait

I met John in an internet forum. The forum is dedicated to Meditation and Spirituality. After talking to me for a few days, John decided to enroll in my Chakra Awakening Program. The 5th day of the program focused on Heart Chakra awakening. The meditation module of the program consists of ‘Rang Chikitsa’ (Healing through…

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Next installment…solar plexus..from Advait

Here’s the experience of a fellow reader after Wednesday’s email. Chris was having the same dream for the last 4 days now. The dream first occurred the day he practiced Manipur Chakra pranayam and meditation. (Manipur Chakra is the sanskrit name for the Solar-Plexus Chakra) In the dream, Chris was standing backstage in an auditorium.…

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Sacral chakra….Advait

Hi, The Sacral Chakra, also called as ‘Svadhisthaan’ Chakra, is one of the most misunderstood and under-utilized of our dormant energies. Almost everyone who knows about Chakras thinks that the sacral chakra is only about Sexual prowess. The Sacral Chakra isn’t only about your sexual capabilities. Yes, when your Sacral Chakra is awakened, you look…

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